The population is 15.2 million

The capital city is Astana

Major religions are Islam and Orthodox

This Blog is about our plans and the process of our adoption from Kazakhstan. Hopefully this will keep our friends and family informed, and help anyone else on their journey to adopt
We still have no news...no idea what's going on, etc...
Here's a quote from a family who adopted their daughter from Kaz, I thought it was fitting:
"We have more hurdles, including an intimidating court hearing, but we are already beginning to feel like parents. And that's the thing about adoption. It's just like having a kid the regular way, only not. Unlike biological childbirth, there is no such thing as an accidental adoption. No equivalent of the broken condom or "forgotten" diaphragm. This is a deliberate, always conscious, undertaking. I can't say that makes it better—I wouldn't wish the process on anyone—but it does bring with it a certain sense of clarity. Why exactly do you want a child? What price—in money and sweat and tears—are you willing to pay? My answer, prompted by the two most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, is: as much as it takes."
Their blog address is: http://www.slate.com/id/2132692/entry/2132693 if you want to check it out.