Here is an update on Ava for all of you who have been asking!
Ava is learning so much and she copies everything we do. She bows her head when we pray. She is playing pretend more and more like pretending to talk on the phone, give her doll a bottle, carrying her "purse" around, dusting and washing things and reading.
She loves to cuddle and will put her head on our shoulder when we ask for a hug. Talk about melting your heart! She is basically a sweetheart.
Also, she loves it when we ooh and aah over her and eats it right up! She is walking really well now too and toddles around non stop.
Ava is having some separation anxiety lately and cries when I leave the room, give her to someone else or put her down. It's not all the time so it may be that she doesn't feel good (teething). She is also still waking up at least a couple times a night but usually (not always) goes back to sleep quickly so I can't complain too much. That's about all for now!
Enjoy the pictures....
Visit with Auntie
"reading" the Bible
Feeding herself yogurt
All Bundled Up
Dusting...I'm teaching her early!
She painted her first pictures and likes to scribble with pencils and crayons. She also tries to eat them.
Giving her moose the bottle
Happy playing
Feeding dolly
Cuddle bunny