Ava is very friendly, but also cautious around strangers, especially big groups of strange faces. She remembers faces and people very well though, so even people who get to visit less than regularly she is happy to see.
She's been fairly healthy, a few little colds but nothing major. She's growing really well as you all can see, and her hair is really growing. The curls are especially amazing when she gets done with her bath. She's still mostly babbling, but says a few words now and then. She loves to read too. The books are typically upside down and she starts in the back, but DaVinci used mirror writing, so I'm guessing she's brilliant too. I believe she's reading in Latin as well. She also babbles to me when I get home or call from work. I just agree, say "really?" or "sounds great!". Of course she's probably describing how she's going to kiss boys when she's 3, how much she loves country music, and other things that daddy would find less than pleasing, but what I don't know may kill me eventually.
Teeth are still finding their way to the surface, but that doesn't really stop her from eating and chewing. She eats pretty much everything now with some odd exceptions. Pureed peas? Great! Real peas? Not so Great. Pureed banana? Great! Real banana? Until yesterday - not a chance - much more fun as a toy. She walks (runs), dances, climbs whatever she can, and has recently discovered tippy toes. Very cute.
Truthfully, I think the bigger adjustment has been for Amber & I than Ava. Free time is now that brief period between Ava going to sleep and us passing out. Baby muscles are growing. Amber is even entering an arm wrestling competition (Yes, that is a joke - or is it???). But who would've thought that watching a one year old push her little stroller around the house could be so captivating? Really watching anything she does - sleeping, eating, playing, walking (I could go on but I won't) is now our favorite pastime. Watching her and listening to her is too precious to describe. I wish I had more time to just watch her play and explore.
So yes we are slightly obsessed with our daughter, completely in love, and thrilled to be parents. And to avoid complaints, here's a picture - she loves her boots: