So what's in our dossier? We are sending to the agency the paperwork you see below. In these stacks are 35 original documents signed by both of us or someone else (bank, employer, Realtor), with the signatures notarized. We have another 35 original documents with the same bunch of signatures which have also been "apostilled". This means that each document has a little paper stapled to them from the county of the notary (we ended up going to 3 counties) saying 'yes this person is a notary' with an officials signature; and then another large paper from NY State saying 'yes these people who signed the paper for the county are legitimate' complete with the Secretary of the States signature and seal on it. So far 70 documents.
We also have to send 5 copies of each of these to the agency, which is another 175 documents. Most of these are single pages, but the home study for instance is something like 7 pages long, so that's a lot of paper. The grand total is something like 245 documents, totaling about 375+ individual pieces of paper. On top of all this is about 25 pictures of us, our house, our families and the area. Amber has been running around a
lot and putting a ton of work into getting this done. All I can say is I hope that we got everything right!!!!
Staples must love you guys.
Jason I hope you clipped pictures out of a catalog and didn't actually send pictures of yourself. If you did the process could take A LOT longer.
Hopefully everything works itself out soon though.
Well we are as excited as can be for you and your wife.
This has been the longest pregnancy ever. We all hope everything goes as planned/scheduled from here on out.
As the old adage says;
good things never come eas
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