Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Saga Continues

Well, we are switching regions, from Karaganda to Almaty. We were told we can adopt a baby under a year old from Almaty!!! We do want a young baby so they can get love and care from us as soon as possible and are not stuck in an orphanage longer than necessary!

Anyway, we are still on this roller coaster ride of international adoption! We know it will work out and we pray so much every day! The wait and disappointments can be very hard emotionally some days though. We are trying not to get our hopes up too high, even though we have good news, in case things change.

We hope to know more details soon.

*Check out the update on our baby's room!!*

Monday, June 11, 2007

Sad News

Adoptions are on hold in Karaganda, the region (city) we are suppose to go to. We don't know if it will be a few months or a year before it will open up again. We are considering changing regions, which would mean more paper work and thousands of $$ more. The agency told us they are going to see what they can do for us. The other region they work in doesn't allow adoption of babies under a year old and we wanted a baby as young as possible. Right now we can't do anything but pray and wait. We are very disappointed.

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