Home at last
We finally made it. It was a very long trip, but Ava did great. We fed her a bottle for takeoffs and landings, and her ears didn't seem to be an issue. She got a little fussy from Amsterdam to Boston, but she really did great. Amsterdam was wonderful too. They have baby rooms with cribs & dim lighting, so we spent our layover there, and Ava was able to crawl and play which I know she enjoyed. Here's a picture from the crib there:
Royal KLM and Northwest were fantastic. We had bassinet seats for both, and the flight attendants were great. We have a "First Flight" certificate from Northwest, and little airplane wings, and they even gave us a bottle of champagne! They really made our flights easier. We had a 2 hour delay in Boston, but that actually went ok (outside of the grouchiest TSA employees on earth). We were on the smallest plane I've ever been on - 1 seat on each side, no luggage overhead etc, but the pilot was very nice to us through the delay. Checkpoints in our airports were simple, but I think we have Ava's beautiful face to thank for that. The scanners weren't much of a problem as Ava carried no contraband:
My family met us in the airport, even with the delay (thank you!!) and Ava was a little overwhelmed. All the faces were looking at her and smiling and she just stared at them, like she wasn't sure quite what to do. The car seat was not her favorite, but she fell asleep just before we got home. She went to her crib and slept for about 4 hours:
All three of us are very tired, but we're doing ok and Ava seems to be adjusting well. Being home as a family is just incredible. The feeling kind of hit both of us late last night as we did some needed unpacking before going to bed. After all the time, paperwork, travel and frustration; we have our daughter, and it is better than we could have imagined.

Welcome home! We were worried about the flights because of the storms, but we are so happy that it all went so well. We are so happy that you are finally home as a family! How beautiful! We hope that you all will adjust well and get some much needed rest these next few days! We cannot wait to meet Ava! We are so excited! We miss you and love you all so much!
Big hugs and kisses,
Uncle Puck and Auntie Amber
We too were thinking about your long journey home with precious Ava and holding hope that the storms in the East didn't create undue hardship for you. Seeing your beautiful baby in her own crib in her own room must make you feel so joyous. I know it made my day. Thanks for posting so quickly!
Ava looks so peaceful sleeping in her own crib!! Your posting brought tears to my eyes, I am so happy for all three of you. Thank you for sharing all of this with us-- it is wonderful! Looking forward to seeing youall soon. Love Deb
Congrats!! Thats so awesome! We have been following your posts right along. So happy you made it home safe. Enjoy that little baby. Shes adorable.
Cheryl & Brian
Thanks for your update...we have been on the edge of our seats. How wonderful it is to see Ava settling in at home!! You must be having a great time showing her around the house that was waiting for her to fill it up with the joy of her smile and laughter...
Love, McGoverns
So glad you had a fairly easy trip and that you're all home safe. It must feel surreal to finally have Ava there! Anyway, let us know once you feel up to having visitors. We can't wait to meet her!!
Hooray........we are so happy that you three are finally home. Now you all get to start your new journey. Home at last as a family. It is so amazing. Enjoy your time bonding. Take your time even know we are all so anxious to meet your little girl.
What a season finale! What do you have in store for next season?
Glade you made it home and all is well.
the Orton's
She looks like a little doll sitting on the floor. We are so happy that she is home and with her parents who will give her what she needs...love and hugs and kisses! We are overjoyed, and Gram is beyond excited! We love all three of you, Mom and Bill
Yeah your home. What an amazing feeling that must be. She is just beautiful. I hope you enjoy your holidays as a family.
Congratulations and thank you for updating the blog.
Thanks for the update, we were wondering how your flights were with the weather and all. Good to hear that Ava did pretty well on the flights (we have a very long flight home from Istanbul when we go to pick up Kyle). It must almost impossible to put into words how it feels to have your little girl out of the orphanage and in your home, how exciting!!! We hope to meet the three of you in the coming months once Ava and Kyle are a little adjusted. Congrats!!!
Amber, Ava,and Jason,
We are very glad to hear that you all are home together..and safely so! We also are glad to hear that Ava did well on the flights-and we can only hope that Nicholas does as well! We also are flying NWA/KLM. Send us an email when you get the chance.
Brent and Sonya
Welcome Home AVA!!! We are so happy for the 3 of you! It has been an amazing journey! Enjoy your sweet bundle! We look forward to meeting her!
Love, Tracy & Family
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your Kaz experience with us. We were there in Nov and also have a daughter from Room 2. We can't wait to go back and bring her home. We said Hello to Ava everyday! She was like a celebrity, we all recognized her from your blog. Your trip going so smoothly, was encouragingfor us, we are also flying KLM. Our 6yr old son was with us, and he loved entertaining all the babies in Room 2.
Sharon and Rob
I'm not sure I have ever commented, but I have been following your journey. It has been a treat. Both of you seem to take everything in stride and had such a great attitude about traveling and being in Kazakhstan. And, you little Ava is an absolute doll! I wish your newly expanded family all the best.
dossier in translation
We're so happy that you're all home, and happy. We can wait to see her in person, when you guys are ready. Enjoy this first full week as a family by yourselves.
Can she possibly be cuter in person? She's so adorable.
Love, Harmonie
She's just Beautiful!
So happy for you to have Ava home!
WElcome home Ava! We can't wait to meet you. Enjoy snuggling and bonding at home! Have fun and Amber sleep when Ava sleeps- you'll need it when she starts walking!!
Luv-Sara and Lydia
Congratulations! We are in process and have been following your blog. Thank you so much for sharing your journey and pictures of your little Ava. She is beatutiful. We wish your family all the best.
-The Chases (Jill and Chris)
Welcome home! You sound so content, and Ava looks so happy to be in a new room that is all her own. Thank you so much for your words of wisdom, snowsuit shopping advice, and for sharing your wonderful story of finding your daughter. We hope ours goes as well! Do update when you can, so we know about the second half of the journey... adjusting to being parents!
Heather & Rob
Congratulations! I'm am so happy for you guys. It is such a blessing to have her home now. What an amazing journey now lay ahead of you. She is so beautiful.
Melva and family
aww Congrats. What a wonderful journey and now you are home.
I agree with what some other people said...following your blog was a real pleasure and your attitude was great. Ava is just gorgeous!!!
Wow, your Christmas will be most amazing. :)
Welcome home!!
Thank you for letting us follow your journey from beginning to end. Having been to Kaz, found my daughter, I'm surprised how emotional I get with each family's journey I am fortunate to follow.
Kristan (lovestruck)
It's great to know that you're home at last!! A wonderful family to enjoy life together! Congratulations! How did Ava react to Spencer?
I hope you all get lots of much needed rest! Take Care! Love, Cindy
Welcome home you beautiful family you!
Congratulations, and welcome home!
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