Ava is growing! She looks so healthy and happy these days. We are settling into a routine and enjoying our time together as a family! Ava had been sleeping great but then decided that she wanted to wake up about 6X or more a night and be rocked back to sleep every time (by mommy). Also, she had decided she didn't want 2 naps a day, or any naps some days. I was getting very tired but she is doing better (mostly) now! Also, it took 3 weeks but she likes her bath now! We had to very slowly get her used to the water, now she really likes it and reaches out when she sees water running.
Ava is doing new things every day and she said her first words!! They were "Dada" and "Ava"! She has also said, "duck" and "Bye". It's kind of funny her first word was her own name...but I guess she hears it enough! She is trying to say other things too...it's very cute! Here are some more pictures!
Ava's first haircut!

Here's what she thought!
Of course her bangs are crooked because she was squirming!

Playing with her bib & Spencer.

Bath time in the ducky tub!!

With her cousin Ben.
Dear Amber & Jason,
Hi! Thanks for sharing more pictures of your life together! Gramma looks very happy reading the Bible Stories book with Ava! And Ava is so cute in her ducky tub and smiling with cousin Ben! Laundry baskets have many uses!! And I had to laugh at her faces for the first haircut! Thank you so much! Love, Cindy
She is so darn cute! You are brave to cut her hair too! :)
I'm glad she's getting used to the tub. That duck tub is very cute!!!
She sounds like a momma's girl!!!
I have been having Ava withdrawal for a couple of weeks - she is such a doll~!!! I also love reading her development and imagining our Aila being just a few weeks behind...the stories from Jen, Aila's mom, sound quite similar for where they are (just arrived home a couple of days ago). But it sounds like Ava wins big time in the hair area! Happy New Year to you 3!
Happy New Year! Love the rubber ducky bathtub! Where'd you get it? (Did you ever notice that all I ask you for is shopping advice? First the snow suit, now this?) Oh, and don't be too concerned with first words... apparently the third word I ever said was "oink". My mother has no rational explanation for it. But I went on to acquire a full and impressive vocabulary!
Enjoy yourselves!
Oh, she's too cute! We've got to make plans to come visit. We're so anxious to meet Ava in person. Enjoy every day with her!!
Amber and Jason,
Ava is so cute! I love keeping up with your blog and was wondering how you were doing. We return to Kazakhstan on the 13th to pick up our daughter Hannah. We can't wait! Enjoy your time with your daughter and have a Happy New Year!
Wow, that is one of the cutest babies I have seen - and I follow a lot of adoption blogs being a PAP myself. Every picture I see of her is cuter than the last. She has such great expressions on her face!
She is SUCH a cutie-patootie! I love the pictre of her in the tub. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for updating us with more fabulous photos of Ava! She is a stunning little lady and she looks so happy with her wonderful family -- even when they cut her hair crooked. :-)
Thank you so much for continuing to write about your adventures with Ava! We love to hear about them all. We are big Ava fans!! We miss you all so much! We can't wait to see you all again! We hope it will be soon and that she doesn't grow TOO much before we get to see you again :) We love you all!
Uncle Puck and Auntie Amber
What a cutie!!
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