Sunday, November 25, 2007

New Ava Pictures

"I heard Mommy and Daddy are coming to get me!"

Ava with her caregivers
We saw these new pictures yesterday on the Boykin's blog. One more day to go!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for continuing to post for those of us not close by. We can't get enough of Ava! We are so excited for you! We can't wait to see you all together! We love you all!
Love Always,
Dan and Amber

Trudi said...

It warmed my heart to see the pictures of Ava in the pictures with the caregivers - she has obviously grabbed their hearts too! But I can't wait to see her in your arms again...and to watch that light come back into those beautiful eyes! And be sure to grab some "No Jet Lag" from Whole Foods or a homeopathic pharmacy or look on for a close retailer. It really makes a big difference! Safe travels!!!

Anonymous said...

She looks so happy and beautiful.I am so excited for you guys!! You must be walking on air!! Thinking of you and wishing you a safe trip. We will see the three of you soon. Love Deb

Unknown said...

Sorry I couldn't be at the airport when you left but know that my heart is with you both as you go to get our new granddaughter. Have a safe trip and I'll be there to meet you when you get back.
Love Bill aka Grandpa

Cindy said...

Hi! Thanks for sharing these photos! Ava with her caregivers who cared so wonderfully for her until now when she has her very special Mommy & Daddy to love her and cherish her and to teach her from infancy ... So much happiness in store! Love, Cindy

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