Today we found out that we only get to have one visit a day with Ava instead of two from now on. There are a lot of other families that are coming in and the orphanage doesn't have enough room for everyone to have two visits a day. We are very sad about this but maybe it's better that she doesn't get too attached to us before we have to leave. We are very attached to her though, so it's going to be hard!!
On a happier note, Ava cut her first tooth today!! We were so excited to see a tiny bit of white tooth on her bottom gums! She was drooling much more today because of it.
The other amazing thing she did was, she pulled herself up to standing by holding on to a kid size chair! All by herself too! We were clearly awed by her talents! She is very strong for being so small!
Today's visits were kind of laid back with her. She still has a cold and her nose was more red today. Also, since she is teething she wasn't as active. Also, the play room is so hot and they dress the babies in at least two layers, sometimes three with thick booties. Ava was sweating so much her head was wet! Jason was blowing on her head to cool her off and she loved it! I'll put the picture below.
We walked to some souvenir shops this afternoon and we wanted to buy everything! We are going to bring back some nice things, especially for Ava. Then we went out to dinner at the same restaurant as before.
That's about all for today.
On a happier note, Ava cut her first tooth today!! We were so excited to see a tiny bit of white tooth on her bottom gums! She was drooling much more today because of it.
The other amazing thing she did was, she pulled herself up to standing by holding on to a kid size chair! All by herself too! We were clearly awed by her talents! She is very strong for being so small!
Today's visits were kind of laid back with her. She still has a cold and her nose was more red today. Also, since she is teething she wasn't as active. Also, the play room is so hot and they dress the babies in at least two layers, sometimes three with thick booties. Ava was sweating so much her head was wet! Jason was blowing on her head to cool her off and she loved it! I'll put the picture below.
We walked to some souvenir shops this afternoon and we wanted to buy everything! We are going to bring back some nice things, especially for Ava. Then we went out to dinner at the same restaurant as before.
That's about all for today.

Wow she has made so much progress in her development already. How exciting you guys were there for her first tooth. She is just a doll. Before you know it she will be home where she belongs. Have a good night.
I love all the new pictures...first teeth are so much fun...I hope Ava feels better soon so she will have more energy to play with you guys....snuggling is fun too though isn`t it? I bet you can`t wait to have her all to yourselves so you can dress her as you want and no more limits on visits!! Thinking of you guys all the time and sharing your excitement..Love Deb
You guys have her at the perfect time, all the firsts are at this age. Since they limited you to one visit per day, do they at least allow you to stay any longer than two hours? We're thinking of you constantly, Love Harm
The picture of her clapping is absolutely precious. You can see the worried mom Amber in the background on her standing up alone. Sorry to hear they cut you back but look at it this way, pretty soon you'll have her full time. Amber made a good point too that it may be easier when you have to leave for a little while but then you'll have her all to yourselves. You've waited this long, the finish line is in sight. Know that we love and miss you all and we'll see you soon.
Bill and Mom
She is amazing! Sad that visits are being limited, but you have a lifetime of joy ahead of you with her.. Thanks for all of the updates!
With how quickly she's learning things it won't be too much longer that she starts saying dada and mama, with Shawn not too far behind of course.
I am sitting here with Gail Burkey because we couldn't get the pictures thruogh on our computer. Ava is soooooo cute! She even looks like your child. We are so excited for you both. Can't wait to see you home again. Much Love, The Hernandez Family
Hi guys . . . just wanted you to know how happy we are for you! Thanks for this blog because we are able to follow you along in this wonderful journey. Oh and Jason, to celebrate Dave and I went out to dinner at Judies just for you :) Just kidding but maybe when you guys are back we can all go :)
Love, Ellen & Dave
Hey guys it is really cool to hear what is going on. I hope everything works out and all three of you guys can come home soon.
Matt Bouchard
hi guys....i'm just so happy for you guys I'm crying and lola is wondering whats wrong with me....she's sooo beautiful!! We can't wait to meet
Lina, Adam, Liam, ,Gwyn & Lola Smith
Amber and Jacon
Love Hearing the news and seeing all the pictures of Ava. She is just to precious.You make such a cute family.Can't wait till you are all here in the states with us. We want to spoil her to.
Kathy L
She is doing so well--you guys have made such an impact on her already and she is just going to thrive now. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture of her neck! The one of Jason blowing on her is so cute too. We can't wait to get to know her little personality. We think it's great that you're getting so many things to teach her about the country too--lots of love, hugs & kisses, Heidi & Joel
We are so sorry to hear that you won't be visiting as often. We hope that they will allow the visits to be longer at least! We can't believe that it hasn't even been a week yet that you've met her. And look at what a beautiful family you make already! We are so happy for you. We can't say it enough!! We love you all. Give extra hugs and kisses to Ava from us!
Uncle Puck and Auntie Amber
It's around 5pm your time and there are no new updates. Can we infer from that you get to see Ava between 4 and 6 now? Anyway, wanted to say hello and we hope all is well with the new family. How's Ava's cold and runny nose? She still seems happy even when not feeling too great. Everyone loves the pictures so please keep them coming. Anxiously awaiting your next bit of information. Love you all. Bill and Mom
We love getting our Ava fix everyday! She is just thriving with all of mommy and daddys attention, it's so cool to see. Have fun shopping and spoiling her, I know we can't wait to!! Sending our love..Sara, Jason
We love you, we are so happy for all of you. COME HOME!!! Love and kisses waiting, Love the Lewis family- Mark, Lisa, Rachael and Amber.
I know you guys have a life, but we don't where's our Ava fix for the day?
We are hoping that the reason we haven't heard from you is because you got to have extra time with Ava. Or better yet, they saw what great parents you are and so they decided that you can just take her home now. And so you are surprising us all by coming home with her at this time! That would be so awesome! We really hope that all is well. We miss you and love you lots!
Uncle Puck and Auntie Amber
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