We can change her but then we have to put her original clothes back on when we give her back. She is very squirmy but seems to like us fussing with her and changing her, if it doesn’t interfere with chewing on something. Her clothes she has on are usually cute though. We found out nap time is 11:00am and we can see her getting tired at that time, rubbing her eyes and yawning. We love the yawns! She also didn’t want to be put down, every time I put her down she whimpered until I picked her up again. I know I’m creating a monster! Also, today it is cold and snowing very lightly today. But it’s mostly melting as it hits the ground.
I wanted to respond to some comments also. Ava liked her snowsuit even though she was making a funny face in the picture. When I held her up in it, everyone was looking at her saying how cute she is and she loved that! She likes attention!! Heather, I wanted to tell you, I would buy the snowsuit for $16! That’s a deal. You can pack it in a space bag to save some space. I love the travel space bags! We brought some 6-9 month clothing and she fits in most good. Some things are a little big. She’s one of the smallest babies we saw. Most of the babies we were shown are probably wearing 9-12 or 12 month clothes.
Here is the video Jason promised. It’s from a few days ago. Look at how high the pants are! That outfit was way too big so they tucked the shirt in as you can see! She’s even cute in that though!
The video was great. It was very enjoyable to watch. I love her cute little faces. The daddy shirt was awesome and yes she will need a mommy one too. What fun you guys looke like you are having. HAve a great night
We love the video and the pictures! She is just too cute!! She's a little peanut! We love how high up the pants are! So funny! Thank you so much for the pictures and video! We love our niece so much already! We miss you and love you!
Uncle Puck and Auntie Amber
I love you Ava, I can't wait to play with you. you're so cute.
What a cute little peanut, she's cuter every time we see her. Her personality seems so sweet also. Thanks for the video, it's nice to see her animated. Have fun tomorrow, good night.
What a happy little girl! And her happy parents!! I look forward to your Ava updates every day..
We're glad things are going well. It's getting colder here too so don't feel left out. Where was the "I love Mommy" shirt? and the video was great especially at the end when she was laughing so readily. Anyway, take care and give hugs and kisses to Ava.
Love Bill and Mom
Hi! What a nice surprise getting to see more pictures after I had already read your blog this morning and didn't expect anything more! I love the picture with Mommy and Ava with her cute I love Daddy t-shirt and the one where Ava is looking up at Daddy and I see what you mean that she loves to chew on stuff, she will probably get more teeth soon! The video was the Best and getting to hear Ava and see all her cute faces, thank you so much and hearing how happy you all are! Take care! Love, Cindy
We sure do love this little girl! As mentioned before she knows and trusts that you will respond to her, so she will be a happy, secure, and very much loved monster. It will be a good thing, and I can't wait to help! We love all three of you, and miss you!!!Love Mom and Bill
What a sweetie pie! I am so happy for you guys. Thanks for the updates and great photos. ;-)
Ava is such a joy to see and watch in the pictures and video. She is absolutely precious and it's clear she already loves her Mommy and Daddy. I look forward to checking the blog every day - it is so great to be able to journey with you all. Thanks for sharing.
Ann Mc
I got butterflies reading about your plans to return and bring Ava back home(that you wrote about the other day)...it is getting so close!! We are so excited to meet her, Lexi keeps walking around the house telling me which "baby" toys we can give to Ava, it is a riot!!! Take care and we love all the pictures and info...
Ava is absolutely beautiful. It seems as though she knows who mommy and daddy are already. I am really enjoying reading the blog every day. The video was just perfect...the smiles and to see the fun you guys are having is amazing!! Thank you for letting me share this journey with you guys. I am sure Jason is glad I won't be asking EVERY day when it will happen. Now I can ask how the angel Ava is doing. Congrats and I hope to be able to meet Ava when you return. Take care
Becky Keenan
We love the daddy shirt, and her looking up at you, Jason!!! That is precious. And Amber, I don't blame you--I wouldn't want to put her down either!! She is probably just loving being held so much by such loving parents. We can see how attached she is to you both, which is just the sweetest thing on earth. We can't wait till she's here!! lots of love, hugs, kisses,
aunt heidi & uncle joel
She is certainly a happy baby. It's so sweet to see how much fun you have together. Thanks for the clothing info. I think I'll go snag the snowsuit before it's gone. And I agree, Spacebags are amazing and I plan to stock up on them! Thanks again... I love reading along.
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