Today is our day without Ava. We were very lazy today, just read, slept, ate and watched TV until it was time to go to the circus at 3:30. The circus had acrobats, trapeze artists, animal shows and a clown. It was a lot of fun! It was nice to have something fun to do instead of sitting around the house. We went to dinner at a Turkish restaurant after and Jason got what he thought was beef but it was lamb and it was the worst lamb we’ve ever tried. He couldn’t eat it and he can eat just about anything! While I’m on the subject of food, we found mini pizzas at the store yesterday and they were really good. Also, the store has Lays potato chips, Coke, Pepsi, Sprite and Cadburys Chocolate. No ice cream at the store but they have street venders that sell Good-Humor type bars. Jason has had a few of the local beers and he thought they were pretty good.
Yesterday our visit with Ava went good but it was way to short as usual. She really is not smiley all the time; we just like to post those pictures because they are our favorites. She makes us work hard to get those laughs and smiles. Most of the time she wants to crawl, especially since she is good at it now. Also, she wants to play with the toys we bring and find things to pull herself up on. She does like us to walk around holding her too, which we love, of course.
We also wanted to thank everyone for the wonderful comments, we love to check the blog to see if we’ve gotten more! It makes us happy to know that people are following along in this adventure with us! Here are a few pictures from yesterdays visit.

You two look so happy! Wow a circus - what a great find! I assume that is something special that comes once a year? Do you know when your court date is yet? I bet you can't wait to bring Ava home. We just got news that we're one of the next families to travel with our agency, so hope to find out to where and when we'll be going in the next few weeks. Suzanne "waiting, still!"
Hi! I can see the joy on your faces and how very much you love your precious little girl! And how content she is with you! One of the first things I do every day is check your blog to see how you are doing and if there are any new pictures. I especially like the ones where you and she are looking at each other! Take care and thanks again for sharing!
Love, Cindy
No child is full of smiles all the time. But she seems perfectly content. She is cute....a little attitude is always good. I hope the circus was great, you guys can tell Ava all about it. She loves clapping with her mommy.
Besides spending time with our girlie, checking our blog was one of the things I looked most forward to as well.
We had our boys with us, so we had to find things to do. Playground sampling was big for us. When you are out and about notice the playgrounds, they are very different from the ones at home. At least the ones in the neighborhood where we stayed. Might not be that way closer to downtown, we were on the outskirts.
WE also spent a lot of time at the amusement parks downtown. There is a nice bowling alley in one if you are up for bowling. Of course now I can't remember the name. It's at the "more modern" park, the one closest to the City Mall.
Have you tried the large open market yet? Something else to do.
Even if she isn't smiling all the time you can tell she's perfectly happy. You can also tell that you are too. The circus sounds neat, too bad Ava couldn't have been there also. We tried to call you this mlorning but you weren't there (at the circus). Any way we'll try and catch up with you soon. We love you and give little Ava big hugs and kisses from Grandpa and Grandma
We are constantly checking to see if you've written anything new and if there are anymore pictures. (you know me and pictures!!) So anytime you have, we are so happy! We are literally like "yay!" And everything stops so we can see the news!
I love, love, love the first picture with Amber and Ava! So precious! You all look so happy together! We get more and more excited as the days go on. We are getting closer and closer to seeing Ava at home!! Yay! We love you!
Uncle Puck and Auntie Amber
I love looking in on your site and seeing all the pictures. Makes me feel closer to you guys and Ava. Give her plenty of kisses for me.
Kathy L.
Congratulations, Ava is adorable! It has been exciting following your blog. We are not far behind you, as we arrive in Karaganda on Nov. 5th. Say hi to my friend, Michelle.
Sharon and Rob
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