When we got there yesterday the caretakers seemed to be upset with us and the other families we are with for not being there in the morning. Apparently it never got relayed to them that they cut our visits in half. We were all hoping that they would let us go back to the twice a day visits, but sadly they didn’t. At least the caretakers know why now. Ava also had a little bump on her head from taking a fall in the crib. I guess she was pulling herself up in her crib, took a tumble and hit her head on a rail. It didn’t seem to be bothering her though, which is good. She got her passport pictures taken today too! It kind of makes it a little more real that soon she will be all ours and back home with the largest extended family ever. I keep wondering what her personality will be like. She’s a very determined and persistent little girl already, but she’s also very even tempered. She’s perfect in every way.
The weather has been great. It’s been sunny every day but one, with temperatures in the 50’s. It had to be in the 60’s the last few days. Everybody still wears coats and jackets though, and the babies that we see on the street look to be covered in 8-10 inches of padding in the form of snowsuits, mittens, hats, scarves, etc regardless of the temperature. I guess they got some snow and freezing rain a few weeks ago, but so far so good for us. We still have a while to go though. Apparently it gets to -30 C in the winter too. I am glad we aren’t here in January!
The food is actually really good. Most is comparable and their juice, milk, and corn flakes are much better than the US. In fact all of the families agree on this. I’ve really enjoyed everything I’ve eaten. Shocking isn’t it? Feel free to make food related jokes at my expense. They have these little meat pies that are phylo dough with meat, chicken, or veggies inside. There is a little stand in front of our apt that sells them, and though they laugh at my Russian, they sell them to us and they are delicious. Two for less than a dollar! I also had beef stroganoff for dinner the other night at a restaurant, and it was awesome. Their salads aren’t particularly lettuce based – more a mixed vegetable thing. We bought some of what we thought was spinach, but it turned out to be very bitter greens. No horse meat yet, but I’ve been promised the opportunity to try some.
We even have a cleaning lady and her name isn’t Amber (HAHAHAHAHA). Thanks, I’ll be here all week. Her name is Luta and she comes on Tuesday and Saturday. I will say that my little Rough Guide Russian Phrasebook has been extremely helpful. Along with the pronunciations of words, it has them written in Russian too, which lets me just point at a page and let them point back or read what I mean. Also, when the store clerks see me fingering through it, I think it gives them a chance to figure out how to talk to the Americans.
We can’t believe we’ve been here a week already and have 2 more weeks to go!
It's nice to hear from you guys again. I know Harm and I check the Blog at least once an hour from the time we get up until we go to bed to check for anything new. The more pictures I see the cuter Ava gets. And she started off pretty cute to begin with.
Shawn is right she does keep getting cuter. I am glad you guys are having a positive experience especially with the food. I thought it would not be appetizing. Be sure to let us know how horse meat is. I will take your word for it. Tell Ava all her friends back here say hello.
What a beautiful picture of Jason and Ava, the way the light is hitting the both of you, that one needs to be framed. That's exciting that they are starting the passport process for Ava, when will they get to send in the paperwork on it with her full name? Do ypu have your court hearing scheduled yet? We're thiinking of you always, and getting more excited about each step of you all coming home together.
Jason, if you eat horse meat I'm never forgiving you...seriously though, Ava is awesome. I am curious to know how Ava reacts when she first sees you guys for the day...We are thinking of you always.
We are always so happy to hear from you! Thank you for the pictures. She is such a doll. It's too bad that they wouldn't go back to the two visits for you. Ava must be extra happy to see you when you come! We are so excited that she got her passport pictures taken. It gives me chills thinking that it is one step closer for her to come home! We can't wait to meet her in person - she really seems perfect in every way! We love you all!
Uncle Puck and Auntie Amber
It was awesome to see Ava pictures again!
We will be right behind you guys! We are leaving the US on Nov 3rd.
Bob and I are so happy for you! Ava is adorable and you seems to be naturals at parenting! We look forward to welcoming Ava into the congregation. See you soon. Love The Shannon's
I hope you are truly enjoying this entire time. Possibly never again will you do something so monumental and amazing feeling in your entire lives. Good Parents all understand that indescribable feeling, and know that it is so, so, so, awesome. Your experience makes Lisa and I think of adoption someday as well. Well, maybe Im only speaking for myself, but Lisa is always baby crazy! Its always an option, ya know? So as far as American culture goes, Joe Torre got pushed out as yankees manager today, the Red Sox are on the ropes but fighting hard, the Gmen are balanced and looking strong. The Celtics beat the knicks by 40 in a preseason game.(If your looking to take ava to her first b-ball game, we are going to try and go to a couple this year). its 68 degrees on october 18, the leaves are just about peak, and it is entering stew and chili season. Look forward to seein and bein with ya's soon
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