The daredevil within Ava was unleashed today. It was a calm day, like most any other day. We sat on the small chairs in the playroom, Ava on my lap facing me. I was holding her sides and we were playing a little. Suddenly, she flung herself backwards and hung upside down off the end of my knees – and loved it. She would stay for a while, I’d pull her up, and then down she’d go again much to her delight and her mommy’s terror. She likes being upside down. My personal theory is that the extra blood to the brain, carrying extra oxygen, is going to make her even more intelligent than she already is.
As if that wasn’t enough, after pulling herself up on the little chairs, she proceeded to take a few little steps of her own, walking down the line of chairs in search of the camera. She made her way down, got the camera, and gave it a nice little bang like she does all her other toys. She even tried to pull herself up onto the chairs (no success fortunately). I am going to be doing nonstop baby proofing in between trips I think.
Today the little Ava wanted to play, crawl, climb, and explore until she tired herself out. Then she was very content to relax in her mother’s arms.
The thought of leaving her (which is 4 days away!) is getting even more unpleasant to think about. Hopefully we will only have a few weeks between though, and she will be home and meeting all of you soon.
After our visit this morning, we went to the museum we discovered on a long walk yesterday. The displays were in Russian and Kazakh mostly, but there were a few captions in English so we learned a little. It was a very interesting place though. I took a few pictures, then got yelled at, so we don’t have much to show for it except the few shots we got. Then we went to a place in the City Mall that serves brewed coffee!!! I got an espresso drink and was very very happy. We have no idea what Amber got, because it wasn’t what she ordered, but it was good too.
Lastly, our Ava discovered sticking her tongue out.

I have enjoyed reading your blog. Ava is beautiful. My husband and I adopted our daughter from Karaganda last year. From the pictures of the playrooms, we also adopted from the same babyhouse as you. You mentioned that you will be leaving in a few days. I am not going to lie, leaving is difficult. However, it brought us much comfort knowing how well the babies are cared for and how much they are loved. You'll be back on a plane heading for Kaz before you know it. The 2nd trip is a breeze. Best wishes.
I just love the picture of Ava hanging upside down. She looked like she was having a ton of fun. It is so fun to be able to be part of your family bonding experience. You can tell she is a smart little cookie, starting to walk already!!! She is great!!!
Hi! Ava had a very busy day! I can see the love in your faces as you look at your little girl and the protectiveness in your hand held out to make sure Ava is safe and the readiness for her to do unexpected things! You are both great parents! She looks cute with her tongue out also! She is amazing!
You will be so busy baby proofing and finding cute dresses, etc. that hopefully the time will go by so fast until you have Ava home to stay and be loved 24/7!
That's good that you were able to go visit that museum and make time go by faster!
Take care! Love, Cindy
She is not only so adorable but she is so silly! We love all these pictures and you explaining what went on. You can tell from the pictures that she is yours. She just looks ready to go home with you. It is so exciting that that will be happening soon. Ava looks like she knows that she can get away with being daring with daddy but then she knows to go to mommy for snuggles and down time. It is just so perfect! We can't say it enough, we are so very happy for you! We miss you and love you so much!
Uncle Puck and Auntie Amber
I just love her personality, and I can't wait to see her in person. Once they start moving they don't stop, I wasn't kidding when I said this is the best age, when everything starts getting exciting. Downside is that this is also when they get the most boo- boos. When you guys are over your jet lag Lisa and I will help you baby proof. Love you guys.
This is AWESOME and I'm simply overjoyed for you. I know this has been a long time in coming...but all things come to those who wait..or so the saying goes.
And I thought my recent adventure was pretty spectacular...doesn't come close to what you're experiencing..lucky you.
Lookign forward to getting together with you when you return state-side.
Be safe and enjoy the moments.
By the way, your blog is fantastic...but then I would expect nothing less from you! :-)
Dan Fenn (aka Disco Dan...the hiking legend..ha!)
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