Yesterday we finished up shopping for the baby bag we need to leave for the escort who will bring Ava to Almaty to meet us on our second trip. They take them from Karaganda to Almaty via train, which is something like a 16 hour trip, so it’s about 2 days worth of clothes, plus a snowsuit that we have to pack. Fortunately Amber brought stuff from home, so we didn’t have to buy much. The baby clothes we found here aren’t real cheap. So today she got to try her modeling career. First, the snowsuit. She actually seemed to like it even though it’s a bit too big for her

Next we had to take her layers off to try on the next outfits, so here are her adorable little baby legs.

Next we have a nice yellow ensemble that was a very sweet gift from some very nice people. Ava liked it so much she decided to applaud herself.

She squirmed a little bit at being changed so much, but she did seem to enjoy the attention quite a bit too. It was a pretty quiet visit after the excitement of clothes. Her one tooth is coming in very well, and it looks like more will be here shortly. She actually took a few sort-of-steps while holding herself up on the small chairs in the room! All in the name of getting to a toy so she can hear the kind of noise it makes when you bang it on something. I am hoping I have a drummer in the family. We actually got a pretty nice shot of us with the other families we’ve been traveling with. So here’s Christine and Oliver (8 months), Jason & Ella (2 yrs - adopted last year), Amber and Ava, Rich, and Beth and Julia (almost 7 months).

It's so nice when you can put your own clothes on your baby- it's a little victory-She's Ours!! Amber you look so beautiful and content with Ava. We can't believe how fast time is going by. Thanks for all the pics, we look foward to the updates everyday.Lots of love,Sara and Lydia
I love the pink ensemble. She looks very cute. I do not think she is ready to be bundled up for the snow yet. She looked a little frazzled. That must be so exciting packing her baby know soon enough she will be all yours and all of ours (of course) back at home. Alyson says that she will play dress up with her.
You've got a supermodel on your hands! And that picture of Ava in the snowsuit is priceless.. I am glad to hear your trip is going so well.. You guys make a beautiful family!
Isn't nice to be able to dress her in what you want now? That's great that they meet you with Ava in Almaty, you'll have, and your trip back will be that much quicker. It's getting really exciting now, we can't wait to see you.
We love the fashion show and the comments about it! She probably loved not having all those layers on! She looks adorable in all of her outfits. It gets more and more exciting as each day passes. We can't wait for all of you to be home together. We love you lots!
Uncle Puck and Auntie Amber
Hi! Ava must've felt so great to finally get some of those layers off even for a little while! She looks like she has a dimple on her legs! She will quickly grow into that snowsuit! Thanks for sharing the fashion show! She's adorable and it was so nice too to see the other families and their children! Take care! Love, Cindy
That little girl just keeps getting cuter and cuter!! I love reading all your postings and looking at the sweet pictures. We miss you guys but know that soon you will be home as a family and part of our larger family!! Love Deb
Quick question from a couple just starting out in the process: We expect to travel around this time next year, and I can't help stocking up on cute baby clothes when I find them on sale. What size is the snowsuit that you brought? What size clothes does Ava typically wear? We're hoping for a baby girl around the same age, and I tend to buy 6-9 months, 9 months, and 12 months clothes and hope for the best. I found the cutest Ralph Lauren snowsuit in size 12 months for only $16. Should I grab it? Or would she be swimming in it? Please mention something about sizing in your next post, if you don't mind. Thanks a bunch for sharing your journey! It's so helpful!
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