So here she is, Ava Aceil.
She came into the world on February 1st, 2007 weighing 6lb 4oz. She met her parents on October 10th, 2007 weighing about 15lbs and is almost 26 inches tall. She was the second baby brought in, Amber said, “Awww”, immediately went up to hold her and we were essentially done at that point. We looked at the other babies, and played with them, but she had both of our hearts from the start. Aceil is her original name and we wanted to keep it as a middle name. Several of you picked up on the mention of twins in the earlier post, but unfortunately they just had too many health issues.
Now to the good stuff. Ava is, as you can see, adorable. She watches everything around her very intently. She’s fairly quiet, but quite the eater as seen here.
They gave us a full size spoon, and a bowl FULL of food. Olga (our translator), had us wedge the bowl right under her chin and start shoveling. At that point her chin was in her bowl of food. Olga said to feed her fast, because that’s how she is used to it. And eat fast she did. She cleaned out the bowl in no time. She even tried to take the spoon out of Ambers hand to feed herself faster. We may need bigger spoons! Naturally, the approach of a full size spoon into a baby sized mouth, controlled by baby sized hands had its downfalls. We were laughing so hard it was tough to keep up with the pace of feeding. Beth came over and took some pictures, as she and her husband found it pretty funny too. She then drank her formula straight from a cup! They said ‘she’s a big girl now’. I guess they take most of them off bottles at around 6-7 months old. If Amber is holding her she looks for me, if I’m holding her she looks for Amber. It’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen (yes, I am a new dad talking about my little girl). She is fond of posing for the camera as well. I will dissuade her from the modeling career.
She’s not a big crawler, though she does ok. She prefers to stand and likes taking steps with help. She even pulls herself up in her crib! According to the orphanage doctor, she’s the only one in her group that does that. So this one isn’t just a proud papa talking, it’s a proud pediatrician too. She giggles a bit though she’s not very noisy. Her only little cry was when she got her diaper changed. They said she’s very quiet but sweet, and when we told the doctor we were adopting her, I got a nod, a smile and a thumbs up; kind of like she was saying ‘good choice’. We think so too. Really quite a bit. Really quite a lot in fact. We love our little baby girl and know you all will too when you meet her (YOU BETTER!). We’re so glad to be beyond the “Baby B" phase and to have a name and a face. Here’s one more picture of Ava being held by her mommy.
And for equality sake, here is a picture of Ava and daddy. Clearly you can see she adores me.
And for some final miscellany… Kazakh sausage tastes like salami, tenge (currency) is very pretty money, showering in brown water really isn’t so bad, chocolate butter is yummy, there’s nothing on TV in Kazakhstan either, if all goes well in court etc you will all get to meet her around the end of November, and go Cleveland.
She's gorgeous!!!! Congratulations-- you make a beautiful family..
She's beautiful.worth the wait. I am so happy for the three of you, beyond words. Ava, love that name,the both of you look like naturals. Give her a kiss for me, I look forward to seeing all of you.
Love to all of you,
Aly, Lisa, and I just got a look. Aly is VERY excited its a girl, and a cute one at that. The fun has just begun, I can sense from just reading your words, how excited the two of you are. Amber looks like a natural. Congratulations, we are very happy for you!
Chris saying the both of you look like naturals made me feel bad I left you out Jay. Of course you do too, I was just trying to pay a compliment to the mom!
She is BEAUTIFUL!!! I can't wait to meet and hold her!! We are SO happy that this day has finally arrived and we have a new little person to give all our love to. You will be wonderful parents. And I'm an auntie!!! Miss you all.
All our love,
Heidi & Joel
Tears are streaming down my face looking at the three of you...she is absolutely gorgeous, in fact she looks a lot like Amber!!!! We are so excited, Kassia and Alexia are sitting here discussing what they can teach their new cousin "baby Ava". Jason, what a proud daddy you are. Give everybody a hug and kiss for us...
Kara and family
She has the sweetest little face and looks so happy! Congratulations!
Well Ava, you are beautiful and we have waited a long time to see you. Both Grandma and I have tears of joy streaming down our faces. We look forward to holding you, cuddling you, spoiling you and loving you. See you soon, little one.
Much love,
Grandma and Grandpa
PS We love you too Jay and Amber.
Mom and Bill
I am so overjoyed! Amber she looks like you!I can't wait to hold her and smother her with love and kisses!!!!I love her SO much! She is our beautiful little girl, and I am so overjoyed for you! Love, Mom and Bill
Wow..she is absolutely beautiful and looks perfect for you two!! I am so happy you finally have your little girl Ava!! Love Deb
She is so beautiful. I immediately told Dan that she looks just like you! That is so amazing! We are extremely happy for you. You all look so happy together. We cannot wait to meet her in person. Thank you for such beautiful pictures! We love you very much!
the proud Uncle Puck and Auntie Amber
Hello from the Albany Office of MembersUnited.
We are all glad to see and hear you had a safe trip.
Our congratulations and excitement to all of you!
We look forward to getting to see you all in person and hope the remainder of your trip is safe. Enjoy!
Congrats Again... Dean
She's so adorable! Glad everything is going so well. Congratulations!
Congratulations guys. I'm sure now that you have Ava you'll find she was well worth the very long wait.
I'm crying my eyes out. She's beautiful. Now it's really real huh?
Love you guys,
We can't wait to see the whole family together, back here, home.
SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! And we are so excited for you! Cannot wait to get there too!
Congrats to you guys! She's a gorgeous little girl! We should be going to Karaganda in November (hopefully) so I will really enjoy keeping up with your journey. :)
Words can't describe how absolutely wonderful it is to see the two of you with your new baby girl. A beautiful name for a beautiful child, by the way. Gosh, this is great!!
Congratulations!! Ava is beautiful. Spencer and I are so excited for you both and we can't wait to meet her.
How sweet is that little girl of yours?! We are soo happy for the three of you and we can tell you now~ Ava~ that you have two wonderful parents who are going to give you just what you deserve~ all the love in the world!! Can't wait to see her and kiss her~
Marjie and Jeff
Hi guys!! We just wanted to say congratulations on your beautiful baby girl Ava. We are so happy for you two. I LOVE the picture of Ava looking up at you Jason.How sweet is that.You guys are going to be awesome parents. Love, Jason, Toby, Addison and Landon
Ava is absolutely beautiful - I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes. I'm so happy for all three of you - what a perfect family! Safe travels and looking forward to seeing you and meeting Ava. Congratulations to you all!
Ann McCauley
Congratulations!! Ava is absolutely beautiful. We are so excited for you guys!
Have a wonderful time bonding with your baby! We can't wait to meet her.
Sara, Jason, and Lydia
Ava looks like a nice baby. Thanks for showing the pictures to us. I can't wait to see her.
The baby is so cute, I like the picture of her lying on the floor. I can't wait to play with her.
Aidan Wilkes
We're so happy for you! You are a beautiful family of 3. We can't wait to meet Ava. Come home safe.
Denise & Bruce
Congratulations you guys! We all look forward to meeting her in person.
The Flemings
Amber & Jason, Congratulations on your new baby girl! I am so happy to share your joy if only in the smallest way. It brings tears to my eyes to see you with Ava. She is BEYOND beautiful! What a journey two amazing people had to endure but you made it, enjoy every moment as you deserve it! I pray that Jehovah continues to bless your new amazing family. Love, Tracy
She is absolutely beautiful. She actually has a resemblance to you mom. I am so happy for you guys, what wonderful news.
Congratulations Jason and Amber! Ava is absolutely beautiful. We wish you all the best as your family grows.
Love, Tara and Lewis
.comso happy to see you have your pride and joy..she is so cute..
congratulations on the baby. I like the pictures, I cant wait to see her. Love
Just wanted to say good morning and that you should probably give the baby a kiss for me. : ]
awww congratultions.
she CLEARY adores you guys.
she is darlin.
WOW! How incredibly exciting. Congratulations! I had a little flutter inside when I saw those pictures - truly exciting. And what a cutie!
Good morning. What a chilly day but we're sure you guys are all nice and warm. Keep warm and give Ava a big hug and kiss from Grandma and Grandpa. We are anxiously waiting to see you and will be counting the days. More pictures would be good too.
Love you all,
Grandma and Grandpa
Hurry home so we can play!
Lilly Bianca
WOW! What awsome news and how adorable she is. Hope to see all three of you on our next visit home. Congratulations!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is Beautiful, as well as her name!!
How heart warming to see the pictures of you with your new little girl. So precious.Can't wait to hold her myself. Finally your dream is comming true. Lots of love. Kathy L.
Bob and I are so happy for all of you. Parenting seems to have come naturally to you! Ava is gorgeous! We look forward to welcoming her into the congregation. Love The Shannon's
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