I wanted to brag about Ava’s development. The day we first met her we tried to sit her up but she
couldn’t sit on her own for more than 2 seconds without toppling over. Now she is sitting up for over 10 seconds at a time! Also, she was just scooting, trying to crawl when we met her and now she is really crawling! Also, I was clapping her little hands together yesterday and when stopped she kept on clapping by herself. She looked at her hands in amazement. It was so cute! Also, she was on the floor in front of me and wanted to be picked up but I waited to see what she would do and she climbed up on me! She pulled herself up almost all the way (then I helped some). See the pictures of her on top of me for evidence! We will have more pictures tomorrow!
I wanted to respond to Debbie and Harm’s comment. We can’t believe she
wasn’t taken before either, but we know she was meant to be ours! We did meet the babies together with two other families. They brought the babies in for everyone to see. When I first saw Ava I thought she was so pretty and sweet that I absolutely hogged her. The other families looked at her also but we spent the most time with her, I
didn’t want anyone else to want her! We also held the twins and a few other babies but I knew she was the one right away! It seems like each baby is with the perfect parents for them! The other Spanish families have been here for a month and their babies are perfect for them too. All of them are loved to pieces!
Sounds like she is doing just great. She is going to be a smart one. You guys are all so blessed. She was meant for you two.
She is one smart cookie!! We are so proud of her! Give her big hugs and kisses from us. We love you all!
Uncle Puck and Auntie Amber
Well, it's 6am your time so you'll all be getting up soon. It was good that you were able to do some sightseeing and have a little break. You still have a long journey ahead so pace yourselves. Children grow up way too fast and if we don't step back sometimes and take a break, we tend to miss those little things that we'll not have the chance to see again. Have a great day and give Ava a big hug and kiss from us.We love you all. Grandpa and Grandma
We were so touched to hear that you are keeping her birth name for her middle name. That is so thoughtful and mature...some day she will be so appreciative of that. She is so beautiful and blessed to have you for parents...we all look forward to welcoming her to our "extended" family! Hugs to all of you. The time will fly and you will all be here together. Enjoy each day for now.
Sue and Bruce Mc.
Amber looks like she's in love!!!!
Congratulations. She is just adorable! We are so happy for you and can't wait to see her in person. We know you two will be great parents.
I keep thinking that if you had actually traveled at an earlier time you would never have met Ava...it gives me chills. She is perfect for you!! We can't wait to meet her.
We are Colleen, Chris, Chloe and Caden from Clifton Park, NY. Kim/Paul P gave us your blog. Hope you dont mind. We adopted Chloe in Feb and Caden in June. Chloe came home March 8 and Caden came home July 19. Yes we are quite crazy , going from no kids to 2 kids in 4 1/2 months, but we love every minute of it.
They are both from room 2 at Shapagat. Its funny because when we adopted Chloe (now 25 mos old) it was Malytka and only 3 months later when we adopted Caden (now 20 mos old)it was Shapagat.
Chloe has the same crib as Ava-and it was also purchased by her grandma!
Ava is very sweet and we are happy for you. Are you still using Reaching Out or are you using Children at Heart (that is who we used).
My email is not working,and I know you are ok your sister called. She is just so sweet, I keep playing her laughter over and over. I can't wait till I hear it in person.We love you all. Mom and Bill
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