This has been quite an experience so far! I only slept about 5 hours since Monday until last night and Jason not more than 3! We also were without showers for over 2 days, not pretty! Our apartment building looks very run down, dirty from the outside. The hallway inside is even worse. We were a little nervous when they brought us in but our apartment is very nice! We will try to post pictures. Jason is happy because he can still watch American football, it's just has voice over’s in Russian. We are eating very well, too well! I thought I would lose weight being here but now I'm not so sure! The store has coffee and lots of chocolate and sweets. We were told there wouldn't be coffee here but there is! The store also has tons of juice, a whole isle of just juice. The meat is mainly pork and red meat; we found just a few chickens at the store. People dress similar to home. The women all wear high heels though, even with pants/jeans.
The weather is nice, it's cold at night but sunny and warm during the day. Just a sweater is fine most of the day. We went to the baby house yesterday, after all this time it was hard to believe that we were actually there. It was surreal. We all went into a big room and sat on the floor or tiny sized chairs and waited for them to bring in the babies. They started bringing them in and they said their names and how old they were. They then either gave them to someone or put them down on the floor. The babies were all crawling, rolling, playing with toys and squirming around. It was a little overwhelming! They are all so beautiful! It really is so strange to have to choose your baby like that. However we have chosen our baby and we love our child already!!
As Jason said we will post about that later. I feel so mean, making you all wait!! -Amber
You must be totally overwhelmed and overjoyed!!! I got chills when I read your posting. Have fun with your baby-- can`t wait to see the pictures!! Love, Deb
P. S. Lilly told me yesterday that she is waiting to meet her new friend
I'm so glad I found your blog!!!
I can't wait to hear about your baby! and wow-twins!!! that is so cool!!!
I got chills too.
Can't wait to read more.
thanks for letting those of us waiting follow along. :)
wow, that is so completely different than our experience. They took families in individually, so I'm wondering how that was all of you in the same room.
We actually found coffee in one or two the stores, but not all of them.
Glad things are going well!!
You two are really brats. We as grandparents should get to know before anyone else. Anyway that's great news. Anxiously awaiting your repsonse.
Love Mom and Bill
Yah.........I am so happy to hear news.........now I just want more. I feel like I am reading a great novel but I want to know what happens in the next chapter. Good Luck with everything and enjoy. Did I see you mention twins???????
Lots of love,
Yea! I'm so excited for you!! You said child does that mean you're not adopting the twins? We want to know is it a girl, a boy, how old? Don't keep us in such suspense. Come on, you know how bad I am with secrets!!
Love you guys, and I'm glad you're doing so well over there. Can't wait for pictures!
I am glad that you made it safely to your destination. Thankful for you blog as another way to pass the waiting time.
That is great that you have chosen your child, that must have been such a surreal experience.
Can't wait to continue reading about your journey and seeing pictures of your child.
I'm happy everything has gone well for you guys so far. Can't wait to see more pictures.
I'll be on Yahoo IM all day at work if you guys have any energy, or interest. I won't get there today until about 8 pm your time though.
This is such an exciting entry! I feel the same way as the others...on the edge of my seat. Glad you are finding it comfortable and thrilled for you that you hvae already fallen in love with your baby! So happy I found your blog!
- Jennifer
thank you for updating! We've been anxiously awaiting any news. We are so happy that you've found your baby!! We are soooo happy for you! It is so exciting and we can't wait to see pictures! We love you!
Dan and Amber
You guys are killing us! This is soooo exciting!!
I got chills reading your update! I can't wait to see your new baby.. And thanks for the little details, like the weather & food
Congratulations on getting over their and finding your little one! How incredibly exciting! We are just finsihing our dossier, so it is so amazing to see that the process actually works.
by the way, they have good lattes (for kaz anyway) at the city mall that they usually serve w/ a really tasty piece of chocolate if you haven't already been there.
Also, you will probably end up losing weight, my husband and I did because simply because of the portion sizes when you eat out and we did lots of walking!
What great news - wow sounds like they had a wonderful selection of children for you! And that hallway is a little scarey but the apartment itself looks really nice. How's the neighborhood?
(This is from Mom through Heidi--she tried to post a message earlier, but it didn't work)
I am so excited, so excited, so excited and can't wait to hold her and smother her with love!
mom & Bill
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