Today we went to the baby house for our visit. They seem to be getting shorter every day. She did have a little tumble when she was pulling herself up on the chairs and cried for about a minute but I picked her up and she quickly stopped crying and wanted to play more. She is such a good natured baby! After she tired herself out playing she fell asleep in my arms. It was so sweet to see her little face so content and still. Although, she had to see what was going on in the room up until the very last minute before she fell asleep, that’s why she’s facing out. She has only fallen asleep for us twice, once for Jason and now for me. :)
After that, we went to the notary and signed about nine documents for court. Then we walked to the store, relaxed and went out to dinner at the Rainbow restaurant. They have an English menu, but only one, so five people had to share the menu. It worked out and the food was excellent. I had chicken with vegetables in a paper-thin omelet and rice, the seasonings were great. Jason had a beef dish with spices in a cream-type sauce and rice. We also ordered a $30 bottle of wine that tasted like it was worth about $5. Although, it did start to taste better the more we drank! Then, before we left two people started to sing on a small stage. It was Karaoke but they were obviously hired to sing. They were really good!
Here are some pictures from our visit with Ava.
After that, we went to the notary and signed about nine documents for court. Then we walked to the store, relaxed and went out to dinner at the Rainbow restaurant. They have an English menu, but only one, so five people had to share the menu. It worked out and the food was excellent. I had chicken with vegetables in a paper-thin omelet and rice, the seasonings were great. Jason had a beef dish with spices in a cream-type sauce and rice. We also ordered a $30 bottle of wine that tasted like it was worth about $5. Although, it did start to taste better the more we drank! Then, before we left two people started to sing on a small stage. It was Karaoke but they were obviously hired to sing. They were really good!
Here are some pictures from our visit with Ava.

There's nothing quite like holding your sleeping baby...just one of many more precious moments to come! We are so excited that Ava is one step closer to coming home. Thinking of you guys all the time...
Hi! Ava looks so tiny in that big chair! I can see how much she completely trusts both of you and has bonded with you, her loving parents! Amber on the one picture the rays of the sun clock are out around your hair and look like you're radiating your joy!
Signing papers, you're getting closer to totally having your Ava!! And SOON your precious little darling will be with you forever!
Love, Cindy
She looks so sweet sleeping in your arms, and you both look so happy. Thank you for sharing your story. At the Karaoke, what language was it in? Did you recognize the songs? Suz "still waiting!"
How precious is she?! We love the pictures and are so happy that she fell asleep in your arms, Amber! She just sounds like she has the best personality! We can't wait to meet her and smother her with hugs and kisses! We miss you and love you lots!
Uncle Puck and Auntie Amber
With the picture of her sitting in that big chair I was thinking--pretty soon she will be sitting on your couch!! And falling asleep many more times in your arms! We love these new pictures--it really helps to show us all her personality--and even her daredevil side! :) Lots of love, hugs & kisses, aunt heidi & uncle joel
These pictures are priceless. She looks so tiny sitting in that chair. How precious and content she looks sleeping in her mommys' arms. We miss you all
As long as she doesn't decide to take up bungee jumping or skydiving we're okay with hanging upside down in Daddy's arms. We can't wait to see you guys, it seems like forever since you left put the pictures help to make the time pass. It will be the best when you can all finally come home as a family and we are anxiously looking forward to that day. We love you all. See you soon and give little Ava a big hug and kiss from Grandpa and Grandma
Amber and Jason - I am a Kaz grandmother to be (our daughter and son in law (Jen & Marshall) are waiting for their LOI). I can't tell you what a joy and comfort it is to read your blog and to watch your beautiful little daughter bonding to you so strongly (it's clear!). Reading about Ava gives me great hope for our baby. God gave you a very special little daughter -- she is so bright-eyed and beautiful it makes my heart sing for you. All the best, Trudi
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