Tuesday, October 9, 2007

We're in Kazakhstan

So we're in Kaz, sitting in the Almaty airport at 2:30 AM local time because the nearby hotels are booked. Flight to Karaganda is in about 5 hours, so we still have some time to kill. But we are both very excited! Laptop battery is near death... more to come later...


marsrob said...

Hooray!!! Glad you made it there safely! Cannot wait to hear more about your trip! Be well!
- Jennifer

Anonymous said...

Bruce and I are so happy for you! I tried calling you Sunday night but didn't get an answer. I saw your email Monday morning though. Have a safe trip and we can't wait to meet your little one. Love ya, Denise and Bruce

Matthew Ruley said...

Yeah! How exciting to be so close! Be safe, and can't wait to read more as you journey on. Suzanne "dossier at MoE"

Sonya said...

Yes! That is so wonderful! I hope your trip was good and look forward to reading all about your adventure, because we will be their right behind you! I hope!!!


Unknown said...

Hello! It is so good to hear everything is going well so far. There is nothing to worrry about at home, Spencer is doing great! Hope to hear again from you both soon.

cambriadoly said...

I am so excited!!...isn`t it amazing that you will meet your baby very soon!!! Thinking of you guys...we love you and your new little one (or ones) :-) already. Deb, Jude, Camdyn, Dolyn and Lanna

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it safely. I guess today is the day we know if we have a grandson or granddaughter. Mom and I don't care as long as he/she is healthy and has a good heart. Be safe you two, we love you and miss you and see you soon.
Mom and Bill

Tazsa & Lance said...

Yay!! Your blog is one of the first things I read when I turn on the computer in the morning. Soon I won't need any coffee...this is exciting enough!

Unknown said...

Good to hear that you arrived safe. Keep us updated on the food and drink as well as all the baby stuff. ; ]

Anonymous said...

We are so glad you guys are there safely. I keep checking your blog and hope to find some info or pics. I hope everything is going well. We already miss you guys and can't wait to meet the new Baczynski
Paul, Lisa, Dylan, Jason, and Alyson

KMartin said...

Батареи портативного компьютера могут быть настолько неловкими. Мы счастливы услышать, что Вы прибыли благополучно в Казахстан. Мы планируем путешествовать через 1 или 2 месяца. Путешествуйте Благополучно!

Unknown said...

Я подумал использовать Google переводчик слишком.

Если свинина - это другое белого мяса в этом случае лошадь будет других красного мяса?

Получить много, когда можно.

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